Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hello from Fresno

Hello, We are now in Fresno, CA and the show opens tonight and i am probably just as excited as Quentin. Everyone has been working very hard, and the show is amazing. I am extremely proud of and so amazed at the amount Q has grown as an actor, thanks to everyone involved. The director made Q cut his hair,but he still has some curls. He was a little upset, but understood completely that its part of the job. The trip to Fresno sent us through the Mohave Dessert and saw some beautiful countryside. Just Amazing,We will keep updating with new pics and posts. "So long fare well, pip pip cherio, we'll be back soon."


edie said...

Hello hun you gyes are doing a great job I am so proud of you.
Nanny and Papa.

Olivertour08 said...

How can you get the words wrong after hearing that a bizillion times??? It's "So long, fare the well" lol!! Haha just teasing!!

J. MEDINA said...

salut mon grand c'est tata jacqueline de france le fille de tonton Pipi, juste un petit mot pout te dire qu'on est tous fiere de toi je te souhaite bon courrage et un gros bisous à ton papa Johnny.
Jacqueline Monteiro-Medina

Anonymous said...

Thank you babe! Gail

J. MEDINA said...

Salut Quentin c'est tata Jacqueline de France j'espère que tu vas bien ainsi que ton papa Jonnhy dans quelle ville es-tu en ce moment? tu peux m'envoyer un e-mail sur j.medina1@chello.fr cela me fera plaisir je te fais de gros bisous. Et à bientôt
